Zion National Park

Zion National Park

Thursday, September 1

I Believe?

1. I believe that Freedom of Speech is fine, especially if someone is offended by it.

2. I believe that being politically correct is "censorship" and reflects societies lack of self-confidence.

3. I believe the Federal Government does a far better job of spending the money I earn, compared to City Government.

4. I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are ok as long as they pay tax on there 4%.

5. I believe that Portugal's drug policy has proven that decriminalization of drugs will not increase drug use.

6. I believe our government is not concerned about the thousand of American children that go hungry everyday, as long as the non violent drug offenders are locked up.

7. I believe illegal aliens have no right to stay here, but when we start paying five dollars for one apple or an orange I may change my mind.

8. I believe that business should be allowed to make profits for themselves and their rich shareholders, but they needed to start paying there share of tax.

9. I believe local, state, and federal Drug Enforcement are a bunch of losers that have been getting there buts kicked in the War on Drugs.

10. I believe O'Bomb'aa is doing a hell of a job with his promise of, "HOPE AND CHANGE", but it was not the kind of change I needed.

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin